Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Orientation Adventure.

(Abby's cane at the curb)
Abby has developed a great sense of direction. (well maybe she always had it)  This week she has school vacation so I got her involved a day camp to keep me sane (and so she could have fun) .  Its Dr Seuss themed and she loves it. Well Monday they walked to a park a few blocks away from the camp's location.  We arrived a bit early today  so she wanted to show me the park.  She walked to the door where her camp was and turned right around (she needed to know what direction to go)  She then walked me right to a park.  At one time stopped at a curb and said "See this tells me that we are going the right direction"  She actually talked about the curb a few minutes before we got to it. She told me it was coming (she called it a step).  
(Abby's back walking)
(Abby smiling with cane)
She was so proud to show me that she knew how to get to the park.  It was very exciting for me. She had never been to this location before.  She just had to get from her original starting point and knew the way to go.  Its days like this that she shows me she is really going to be alright.  Next time i get lost I am going to ask her for directions.
Abby at the playground she earned it

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