Braille liberates Abby. It allows her to write and than read what she has written. The SMART Brailler computerized features will really kick it up a notch with her learning. She will know instantly that she made a mistake and she can fix it.
I am touched and overwhelmed by the support. Abby is very exited. For the first moment she heard about a SMART Brailler visiting us she was very upset that it would be leaving after two weeks. Today she knows when it arrives its staying. Not only am I excited for Abby to have this wonderful tool. I am excited I am going to be able to share my love of braille by sharing the SMART Brailler with other.
This is a little Thank you video that we made a few days ago. Abby has been so busy since she found out that I am lucky she finished her homework much less give everyone a proper thank you.
I hope to have some kind of opportunity soon in the Concord NH area to give people a chance to check out the SMART Brailler.
Where you motivated by love shown with the voting for everyone. Check out the old voting link towards the bottom. because some of the other kids are holding fundraiser for SMART Braillers. Donate a $1, $5 or even more. Lets keep that love going