Saturday, July 16, 2011

Busy Start to Summer

Well the kids have finished the school year.   I have a feeling summer is going to go by so quickly that we will find ourselves in the start of the school year in no time.

Abby has just finished the first week of two weeks of extended school year (summer school for braille pretty much) .  She is having so much fun. I have also been encouraging her to read. The only way she can get better is to practice. She likes to be motivated by cash.  Smart girl.

Yes Abby is really touching a penguin at Seaworld

The first week in July Abby and I were in Florida for the National Federation of the Blind's national convention and NOPBC conference.  So much in my head I am slowly working through it all but it was great.  I promise to do some blogs about it.  Abby leaerned a lot and  I learned even more. My sister Tricia even came.
Abby exploring with with sleep shades on. 
Abby has some other things coming up this summer. I will share soon.  So not a lot of rest for her.I have started to realize that I think we have passed a year since she became affected by LHON.  (she became affected well before we first realized in August.)  Crazy year and I think on this side of it all it was much more good than bad.
Abby posing in front of a Shamu sculpture.